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Thursday, April 30, 2009


Rich is Trading Forex Again

So after yet another hiatus from trading forex, I just recently had my first trade in months. It was a successful one also. But the question I want to answer is, “Is this blog dead?” The answer is no. I’ve made a living over the past 3 years ducking in and out of here depending on what’s going on in my life. Sometimes I’m just too swamped at my real job, other times I just don’t feel like writing, but I always come back. The great thing is I’ve built up a lot of content over the years so a lot of it applies to the type of forex trader you’re trying to become.

So where do I go from here? I’m in the mood to start trading forex again so that’s what I’m going to do. I’m also going to talk a little about stocks. I’ve had a lot of success, believe it or not, trading the stock market in the last couple of months and I think I’ve learned some things that I could apply to trading forex. So you’ll hear me talk about some of these things also.

Access To High Leverage Does Not Mean You Have To Use It

May 13, 2008 by Trader Rich

The May issue of Currency Trader Magazine is out. Highlights include:
• Forex Margin - You have access to extremely high leverage in the forex market, but that doesn’t mean you have to use it.
• Can anything stop the Euro?
• Time the Euro using short-term momentum.
• Currencies and stock markets.
• The latest on the Aussie and kiwi dollars.
• Bank of Japan get a new chief.

Places To Get a Great Forex Trading System
September 7, 2008 by Trader Rich
It’s very important that if you’re exploring forex trading or already trading that you have a trading system. One aspect of that trading system are the actual setup rules which usually contain entry and exit techniques. Traders put a lot of time and effort in developing these setup rules too often neglecting other aspects such as position sizing or relative size of your profits compared to losses. Therefore it’s important to find a comprehensive forex trading system.
Where can you find a comprehensive forex trading system? Throughout the last three years, I’ve been through many trading systems obtained mostly from books, forums, or other websites. I’ve found that almost every time, I’ll mold that system into something totally different than the original incarnation, something that fits my personality and style of trading. Many times, the original system will also need to be expanded to include things that were neglected or forgotten. Those of you searching for the perfect system may find this method of modifying existing forex trading systems desirable. There are places where you can find the whole package without any need for modification.
This brings me to the question, "where did you get your forex trading system?" I think there are four main ways of getting a trading system.
1. Buy it. There are tons for sale out there on the net but heed caution. Many were just copied from forums, books, or other websites. Sometimes when you buy forex education, part of the package will include a trading system. For instance, Rob Booker provides his Arizona rules as part of his mentoring program.
2. Get a free one. There are many free systems that can be found in books, forums, or other websites. I guess one can question whether a system found is a book is free since you paid for the book.
3. Create an original system yourself. My main trading system is an original creation. There may be other systems out there that are similar to it since it’s a culmination of years of exposure to other systems and experiences.
4. Modify someone else’s system and make it your own. As I stated above, I have done this many times.
I’ve created a poll that asks you this question here

forex Traffic

I got a couple of comments about the top 200+ forex website rankings; mostly how they weren't accurate. The rankings before were dependent on how Alexa sorted the sites in their category listings. I was pulling data in the order in which they gave it to me. As some of you noticed, some sites were listed ahead of others even though their Alexa Rank wasn't higher. The one website that got shafted the most in the rankings was Oanda which had the highest Alexa traffic rank but was listed as #19 in the rankings. I fixed this tonight and now the rankings are based on traffic rank. You can see that Oanda benefited greatly from this change.

In addition, every forex websites Alexa traffic rank is also listed. More enhancements coming soon.


How Many Times Have You Exited a Position Early?

Do you have a problem with exiting your positions too early? I always have. It’s one aspect of my trading that concerns me because I’m never sure if closing it early was the smart thing to do. Let me give you an example which just happened to occur today. I went long on the EUR/CAD before the European session open. I went to bed and woke up to see the position up 80 pips. I had a 100 pip stop loss and a 200 pip target. I was a bit surprised to see it up this much so quickly. I thought about it for a minute and decided to close the position and take the profit. Why violate my pip target? Based on my experience with the ebb and flow of the currency market, I figured there was a good chance that the price will not continue in my direction and retrace, wiping out any profit I had. I’ve seen this happen so many times. Today, this didn’t happen. The EUR/CAD continued going up and would have easily hit my 200 pip profit target. This frustrates me more than losing. Here are a couple of ways I’ve handled a position that goes in my favor by a substantial amount:

In scenario #1, I feel good about the trade if I close it out and then it does exactly what I thought it would, turn against me. I don’t feel so good if the pair continues in my favor after I’ve closed it and would have hit my target.

My feelings in scenario #2 and very similar to those in scenario #1.

In scenario #3, I feel great about the results of the trade.

So which is better, any of the three scenarios or flat out losing money on a trade? I think not losing money is best but the first two scenarios can sometimes lead to losing money. If I’m not getting a decent reward/risk because I’m exiting a position too early, when I do hit that losing streak (trust me, it will happen), my losses could be much greater than my gains. How many times have you closed a position early when it at a negative and not going in your favor? I can count the times on one hand.

I’d love some feedback on what your experiences are and if you can relate to my possible problem. It hasn’t affected my profit the last month and a half though. I’m up over 13% this month alone but like I said, this could be short-lived if I don’t address

this now.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The Secrets Of A Successful Stock Or Forex Investment Club

If the investment club strikes you as an ideal answer to your needs and requirements, there here are some points to consider.

Do not attempt to form a club until you have investigated its status under Federal, state, and local laws. The Association of Stock Exchange Firms is attempting to win passage for a model statute that will simplify and clarify the status of investment clubs and in some states is has already been enacted.

In most states, however, a variety of laws govern the formation and operation of a club and its status as a partnership, corporation, joint venture, or whatever. The difficulties are rarely insurmountable, but complications can be avoided if your club will check with an attorney before becoming involved financially.

Along the same lines, your club can avoid awkward misunderstandings if the ground rules are clearly established from the start. Provisions should be made for the death or departure of a member. Each investor should be able to withdraw his share of the club's assets at any time.

The position of newcomers or replacements for members who have dropped out or moved away should be defined. Does the new member participate on an equal basis in the accumulated assets of the club upon payment of his first $10? Or should he be expected to match the total investment of his predecessor?

Run your meetings briskly. Expect to give the business at hand your full and earnest attention for two hours; investment is too serious to be brushed over in less. On the other hand, be organized. Don't let meetings drag on or founder in confusion. Members will start resigning out of boredom.

Insist that your investigation committees do their homework. And that they stay on the point. These are elements of good reporting in any field, and are not hard to learn. Clarity and precision will not only make reports more interesting, but help you to make your decisions confidently.

Absenteeism plagues almost every organization, and you will have to find your own way to lick it. As noted, the proxy at least assures a vote by the whole membership, but it has its disadvantages. The Williston club has instituted an automatic $5 fine for missing a meeting, regardless of the excuse. Some clubs interpret a certain number of absences as evidence of disinterest and as grounds for dismissal.

As for the club's performance as an investment group, it will, at first, leave something to be desired. There is something heady about the manipulation of money and the challenge of out-guessing the market. You will find, as you start out, that it is easy to be overly enthusiastic about one stock or another, or, because your fund is relatively small, to concentrate on low-priced issues. The enthusiasm may be warranted, and your low-priced issue may be solid, but try not to let judgment be colored by passion, and never choose price over quality.

Make your committee reports as realistic as possible. In the first flush of enthusiasm, it is possible to be swayed by the mass of beautifully printed material available about this company or that. Set up your standards in advance: know what you are looking for in terms of price and dividend trend, in terms of products, in terms of capital structure and management.

Note: Changes in corporate management are not automatically good. Very often a new slate of officers, or some retirements, will bring in fresh blood, but there is no way of knowing immediately whether the new men are as capable as the ones they replaced.

There is nothing wrong with over-the-counter stocks as such. But many clubs have found that the fluidity of the market on the big exchanges, and the certainty of daily reporting of stock prices, makes investment in Big Board issues considerably more satisfactory.

It is easy to decide that you've got a natural bent for investment if your first purchase begins behaving nicely. Don't be fooled. A great many stocks have been behaving nicely for some years now. In many ways it's difficult to pick one that doesn't. Enjoy your success, but keep studying and keep learning.

Fight the tendency to make too many switches in your portfolio, particularly in the early stages. Remember that the commissions on getting in and out are going to eat into your gains. Furthermore, impatience is likely to boost you out of a stock before it has a chance to show its worth. Remember, too, that from the tax angle, you'll be paying on gains as straight income unless you've held the stocks for six months or more.

Finally, stay friendly. Money can get people quite excited. Money can come between friends. You'll have a better chance of success if your members are friendly on grounds other than investment, if everyone understands clearly that there are hazards as well as profits, and if everyone does his best to become knowledgeable in the field as soon as is reasonably possible.

It is the mistakes of ignorance that cause trouble. Many clubs have had some hot times because a member couldn't understand why the group sold short of the top or why, with the good old Northern & Southern Railway running right through town, everyone insisted on buying Gulf Oil.

Stay in close touch with your broker. He can help spell out some of the fundamental ABC's until you can paddle on your own. He also should have, or be able to get, information bearing on the problems and experience of other investment clubs, which can aid you in steering around pitfalls..


My Forex experience and some Forex related information

those Darn Market Makers And Better Trades

"those Darn Market Makers" And Better Trades

I just finished a training session on the internet and I answered a question that I have answered 100 times before or more. It got me a bit worked up because there is far too much mythology out there about the market and how it works and who does what to whom. I am going to attack one of the straw men of trading myths.

It is widely thought among beginners and sadly many veterans alike that there is a boogey man in the closet; a little man behind the green curtain that pulls strings and levers and takes my trade away from me. This misperception was generated in the early days of the NASDAQ electronic trading platform. In the early days when electronic (versus open outcry face to face) trading was just getting started there were instances of market makers adjusting order flows to stretch spreads. They would delay market orders so they filled at higher or lower prices when the prices were moving fast. There were also some instances of prices being manipulated to hit pockets of stop loss orders that were visible on the screens. A number of lawsuits and firings and license revocations stopped that very quickly, but myths prevail and it seems that people need to have demons to explain calamities and excuse their shortcomings. The calamity is that trading skills often do not match the market conditions. When that happens please have the sense not to blame the mean nasty conniving market maker.

Fact: The market maker does not know or care much about you, at least not in a negative way. A market maker wants you to be there because with out you they are out of business. But you are not a target to abuse. You are a number, you are a single trade in a day of hundreds it not thousands of trades and the five to thirty cents your trade makes will not be more than a drop in a bucket to them. They want your trade and will compete with other market makers to get your business. When you place an order in the spread the market makers may debate whether to meet your request, and if it is reasonable some hungry market maker will take it even if the others don t want to. You represent their livelihood but you are not FOOD!

Fact: Except in a few extraordinary cases, prices have to move incrementally. That means the idea of market makers jumping up or down to grab your stop bogus. It is illegal and would get picked up by the regulatory process. The exceptions are as follows; a gap in over night trading can give the market maker a right to gap prices. A Fast Market (wild irregular trading) condition gives some leeway for market makers to catch up. Market makers can in certain cases also move prices with out corresponding price action. If volatility changes in the market and there are no active orders on the book they can adjust option prices. In that case they can adjust prices to actual changing conditions. Otherwise they can not just move prices around to look for your stop. They can push a price up or down by manipulating the bid and ask but generally there has to be stock movement and or volatility movement before prices can be adjusted.

Fact: Your stop is not visible to the market maker. Even if it is an actual order, if it is away from the price it is invisible to them. Until the price action approaches your stop (close to the money) they can not see it. Once it is close to the money it is visible but the above rules apply.

Fact: A market maker can not skip your order either. They are required to trade 100 shares or one contract before moving a price so if you place an order of 100 shares or 10 contracts and you don t get filled they did not skip you and if you had only one or two contracts fill it would be perfectly legal. If your 10 contract order was an All or Nothing and you got nothing, they they were not obligated to fill it for you. However if no orders had yet been traded at that price and it was not an All or Nothing , they would be obligated to take part of your order because they can not back away from a trade. At least 100 shares or one contract must be traded before prices can be moved if there are legitimate orders in line. So, if there is a Bid and Ask showing and you place an order here is what can happen

You get filled (probably there is some volume and you are part of it)
You get partial fill and the price moves (they are reading volume and momentum and decide to move the price; orders can be partially filled and market orders can be spilt up and filled at the next price)
You get no fills and the price goes up (one hundred shares had already been traded before your order showed up and your order prompted them to raise the price)
No trades go through but the price goes up and you do not get filled (you offered in the spread and they have no obligation to bargain- they can move it and hope you come after it).

There is definitely an element of gamesmanship that is legal. Generally the market maker will have more experience and will be better at it than you. That is not illegal but definitely painful to the rookie who may feel cheated, but if a rookie takes on the pros and loses it is not because of cheating.

Option trading is where most fishing goes on. Slow volume means orders come through one at a time and so there can be an electronic face off between you and the market maker. They are not trying to cheat or hurt you and generally it is the trader that pushed the button that starts the game. As stated earlier, if you hit the Bid or Ask, your order will almost always go through but, if you offer in the spread and there is light volume, it can be like poking a wasp s nest with a stick. It s like offering some one ten dollars for their twenty dollar chair. You started it. So you send in the order and it is not filled and the price goes up. Whoa, you think Cool. It s moving my way, I ll try again but I still want to get a discount, so you offer in the spread again. Same thing happens so you quickly raise your price to the Ask and buy before it gets away from you. Now the price settles back down and you are frustrated. If you were to check out the volume you would find that you were the only order and you were played. If you had offered at the Ask the first time it would have probably been filled but, your offer allowed them to move the bait which you hungrily chased. At the other end, a market maker smiles, nods their head and is thankful you came to play at their house today.

Taking out stops:
This is classic misrepresentation. First of all, as stated above, price movement is controlled. Secondly, they are invisible especially if you use contingent stops which technically don t even exist. Thirdly if you are doing card tricks with three year olds, you don t have to hide the cards really well. Look, market makers learn from experience that people are basically la

What's Forex?

"Forex" stands for foreign exchange; it's also known as FX. In a forex trade, you buy one currency while simultaneously selling another - that is, you're exchanging the sold currency for the one you're buying. The foreign exchange market is an over-the-counter market.

Currencies trade in pairs, like the Euro-US Dollar (EUR/USD) or US Dollar / Japanese Yen (USD/JPY). Unlike stocks or futures, there's no centralized exchange for forex. All transactions happen via phone or electronic network.

Who trades currencies, and why?

Daily turnover in the world's currencies comes from two sources:
• Foreign trade (5%). Companies buy and sell products in foreign countries, plus convert profits from foreign sales into domestic currency.
• Speculation for profit (95%).
Most traders focus on the biggest, most liquid currency pairs. "The Majors" include US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar and Australian Dollar. In fact, more than 85% of daily forex trading happens in the major currency pairs.

The world's most traded market, trading 24 hours a day

With average daily turnover of US$3.2 trillion, forex is the most traded market in the world.
A true 24-hour market from Sunday 5 PM ET to Friday 5 PM ET, forex trading begins in Sydney, and moves around the globe as the business day begins, first to Tokyo, London, and New York.

Unlike other financial markets, investors can respond immediately to currency fluctuations, whenever they occur - day or night.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Forex exchange rate is the value of two different currencies and how they relate to each other. It is used by corporations, tax authorities, auditing firms, and financial institutions and is calculated on the basis of information supplied by leading market data contributors. Forex exchange rate says how much of one currency is needed to buy a unit of another. The exchange

rate is essentially a price, which can be analyzed the same way as other market prices. So when we speak of an A to B exchange rate of C, it means that if we pay 1 unit of A, we get C units of B in return.

You may find several Internet sites that instantly offer exchange rates of various currencies. What all you have to do is to select the currency pairs and with a click of the mouse you get the forex exchange rates. Additionally
you can convert a specific amount against the specified currency. You can also convert using the historic rate for a particular date.

The exchange rates are therefore prices for different currencies. So on a specific day, if the U.S. to Japan exchange rate is 115 yen, it means you can purchase 115 Japanese yen in exchange for 1 U.S. dollar. With a simple formula, you can find out how many U.S. dollars you can get for 1 Japanese yen.

Japan to U.S. exchange rate = 1 / U.S. to Japan exchange rate

Japan to U.S. exchange rate = 1 / 115 = .00869

Therefore one Japanese yen is equal to 0.00869 U.S. dollars.

Knowing the basics regarding the Forex exchange will help you to get started in understanding the forex trading. The majority of the currencies are raded against the US dollar (USD). The four next most-traded currencies are the euro (EUR), the Japanese yen (JPY), British pound sterling (GBP), and the Swiss franc (CHF). These five currencies are called the "the Majors". Some also include the Australian dollar (AUD) in this group.

The forex exchange rates are always quoted in pairs. The first currency is referred as the base currency and the second as the counter or quote currency. The counter currency is therefore the numerator in the ratio, and the base currency is the denominator. The value of the base currency
is always 1. Therefore, the forex exchange rate tells a buyer how much of the counter currency must be paid to get one unit of the base currency.
On the other hand, the forex exchange rate tells the seller how much he is going to receive in the counter currency while selling the base currency.

This ratio in the forex exchange rate is also known as 'cross rates'. This term is used when it does not involve US dollars and involves any other two foreign currencies. The concept of pip is also very important in forex exchange rates. The forex exchange rate is determined independently. The buyers and sellers and the supply and demand of certain currencies determine the forex exchange rates.

By: Paul Bryan

Article Directory:

To find out more about making money from trading Forex online please visit Forex Exchange Rates
Forex Currency Trading
Forex Currency Trading

It is possible to buy and sell money from different countries on the foreign exchange market called Forex. Forex currency traders can profit by taking advantage of the dips and swells in the foreign currency market. Capturing these differentials is easier in Forex currency trading than in other trading because the Forex market is open twenty-four hours a day, except for weekends, and it is global, so there are always buyers and sellers available. The traders can be diverse. They can be traders looking for short-term gains, such as day traders or slightly longer investment periods, or they can be foreign investors who are looking to hedge their investments with long term Forex trades.
Forex currency trading is done in amounts of currency called lots, that are usually $100,000 each, and can be purchased on margin. Forex currency trading strategies can be based on technical analysis of the history of the currency price or it can be based on analysis of a particular country s political climate, tax policy, jobless rate, inflation rate, and other factors of the country. There are many different systems of Forex currency trading.
Forex currency trading is a huge market. Daily trading is estimated at between $1 trillion and $1.9 trillion dollars. Because the amount of money is so huge, it s hard to imagine that the market can be manipulated the way a smaller market can be. Forex currency trading is also not overseen by one central agency like the Security Exchange Commission, and each country oversees the Forex currency trading activity within it s own country.
Forex Signal, Forex Signals Advice
Forex Signal, Forex Signals Advice

There are lot's of Forex signals providers out there. New Forex traders might be thinking of looking for a reliable Forex signals provider. Is there any reliable Forex signals providers available?
Personally, I will say do not pay for Forex signals. Think about it - if a Forex signals provider sells Forex signals for living, you can doubt their Forex trading skills? Or else if they are pretty good in Forex trading and making lot's of profit, I am wondering why do they still bother to sell Forex signals for money. Thus, what would be the value of such Forex signals providers? The answer is ZERO.
There are Forex traders who have been relying on Forex signals arguing those Forex signals providers really help them making money in Forex trading. These Forex traders can even show their Forex trading logs as evidence. After some though, I came out with the assumption that assuming I am the owner of a Forex signals provider, in order for my business to be in black, obviously I need some satisfying customers.
A Comprehensive Forex Broker Register
A Comprehensive Forex Broker Register

A comprehensive forex broker list includes investment banks with dealing rooms, commercial banks with treasury operations, and online brokerages that serve a larger market. The investment banks with forex trading capabilities include Morgan Stanley, Merrill Lynch, Goldman Sachs, Salomon Smith Barney, Lehman Brothers, Credit Suisse First Boston, Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan, Prudential Securities and Bear Sterns.
Some of the brokerage services are not directly accessible for all customers. For example, inter-bank market dealers and treasury operations in commercial banks handle large customer orders themselves.
The top commercial banks in the Forex Broker List, having inter-bank and treasury operations, are JP Morgan Chase Bank, Bank of America, CitiBank, Wachovia Bank, Wells Fargo Bank, Fleet Bank, US Bank, HSBC Bank, Sun Trust Bank, Bank of New York, State Street, Chase Manhattan Bank, Key Bank, Branch Bank, PNC Bank, Lasalle Bank, South Trust Bank, MBNA America Bank, Fifth Third Bank.
The online forex broker list of smaller forex accounts sees new entrants almost on a daily basis.
The online forex broker list includes Forex Capital Markets, MG Financial Group, CMS Forex, Global Forex Trading, GCI Forex Direct,, GAIN Capital, Real time Forex SA (Geneva), Global Forex, Commerce Bank and Trust, FX Solutions, Forex MHV, swissDirekt (Swiss), Goetz Financial Forex, NY Broker Borsentermin AG, Act Forex, Online Trader, Shield FX Online Currency Trading, Forex Trade Signals, CMC Group PLC, Foreign Currency Direct Limited (UK), FX Advantage, FXCM, Forex Millenium, ACM REFCO, REFCO Spot, Easy Forex, Online Forex Trading Inc., Lincoln Corporation, Global Trade Waves, Ltd., and CIBC FX Web Dealing.
Forex Broker
Forex Broker

A broker is any person or firm that charges a fee in exchange for executing trades for a trader. A Forex broker does not charge a commission for placing a buy or a sell order the way a real estate broker would charge a percentage fee of the total price of a sale. A Forex broker is paid according to the spread or the difference between the trader s bid for a currency, and the seller s asking price for that currency. Usually this spread is less than 0.1% or ten pips. (Pips are the smallest movement a currency can make on the Forex. Pips are commonly called referred to as points.) The lower the spread, the less a trader pays a Forex broker for a trade.
The Forex market is global and does not have one central regulatory agency like the Security Exchange Commission. Each country is responsible for the actions of trades in it s own country. A Forex broker in America must register with the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC). While traders are not regulated, Forex brokers are. A Forex broker must be registered as a Futures Commercial Merchant (FCM) before that Forex broker is allowed to accept a deposit for an account from a trader. Once registered, a Forex broker is given an identification number so that a trader can check the status of a Forex broker before hiring that Forex broker. There are such people known as introducing brokers who may solicit traders for a registered Forex broker, but the introducing broker cannot accept a deposit for a trader s account. It is a good idea for any trader hiring a Forex broker to check the status of the Forex broker with the authorities.
Forex - Funding Your Trading Account
You have refined your trading strategy after diligently rehearsing the steps of trading in the foreign exchange (FOREX) market through your demo account. Now, you would like to open a live account for trading real money. You have identified a source for your risk capital, but are unsure of what to do next. This article will guide you through that process.
Choosing A Broker
First, you must decide on which broker you will use for your live account. This may or may not be the same broker which hosted your demo account. Ideally, you will have tried several brokers' demo platform so as to familiarize yourself with the pros and cons of each. Just because a platform may be user friendly does not mean that the sponsoring broker is the overall best for parking your living account. Has the broker been around for a while? Is the broker financially strong? Does the broker have a reputation for honesty and fairness? Are your orders likely to get filled to your satisfaction, including times of volatility? Are the spreads reasonable in comparison to others? Does the broker take positions opposite yours, creating possible conflicts of interest? Is the broker responsive to problems and complaints? Is there good technical support for the platform?

s after Nonfarm Payrolls Report

February 6th, 2009

EUR/USD currency pair posted an unexpected growth today as the U.S. economy reported an even faster decline in the nonfarm jobs and the unemployment rate exceeded the pessimistic forecasts. EUR/USD is now trading near 1.2941.

Nonfarm payrolls fell by 598k in January after falling by 577k in December (revised down from the decline by 524k). The decline in the nonfarm payrolls was expected to be near 540k. The unemployment rate rose from 7.2% to 7.6% in January; the analysts forecast the rate at 7.5%.

Consumer credit dropped by $6.6 billion in December after falling by as much as $11 billion through the month of November (revised downwardly from $7.9 drop). The median forecast for the current report’s decline in the consumer credit was at $3.5 billion.

Dollar Trades Almost Without Change against Euro

February 5th, 2009

Despite the large drops in the employment and the factory orders in the United States, the U.S. dollar stood still against the euro today. Although, there were medium intraday spikes in both directions, the EUR/USD is currently trading close to its opening level — near 1.2856.

Initial jobless claims were at 626k last week — up from 591k a week earlier and above the consensus forecast of 580k.

Nonfarm business productivity rose by 3.2% in the fourth quarter of 2008 or 2.8% in a year-to-year comparison. The growth follows 1.4% advance of the nonfarm business productivity in 2007.

Factory orders were down by 3.9% in December, following 4.6% drop in November. They still declined faster than the traders have expected (3.2%).

EUR/USD Declines on Some Mixed News from U.S.

February 4th, 2009

EUR/USD fell today as some bad and some good news regarding the state of the economy were released in the United States. EUR/USD is currently trading near


5/13/62 Forex Trading Strategy by Rob Booker

February 3rd, 2009

The short Forex ebook that was uploaded on my site today is 5/13/62 strategy description written by one of the most famous Forex gurus of our time — Rob Booker. The strategy is based on the three EMAs (exponential moving averages) with periods — 5, 13 and 62. The first half of the book is dedicated to the self-disciple and Rob states that its the basement of the offered strategy — without the safe-discipline no trading system will work for a anyone. All explanations in the book are very basic and are probably intended for the Forex newbies. As for me, I didn’t learn much from this strategy description and I don’t think that any experienced Forex trader will enjoy reading it. But if you are new to Forex or searching for a new strategy (and never used any triple-EMA strategy before), or a fan of Rob Booker, then you’ll probably like this short ebook.

18 Trading Champions Share Their Keys to Top Trading Profits
February 1st, 2009
New ebook was added to the trader’s library on my site today — it’s 18 Trading Champions Share Their Keys to Top Trading Profits by FWN (Financial World News). The book offers 18 success stories of the famous professional traders of the 20th century. The list of the eighteen includes such well known-traders as Tom DeMark, Cynthia Kase, Linda Bradford Raschke and Larry Williams. Each of the success stories is concluded with an advice to the beginning traders. The ebooks is rather small — only 20 pages of which only 18 contain the real text — so each of the «trading champions» receives only one page. You won’t find any specific strategies or a «holly grail»-worth advice in this book, but it will certainly make your entry into the world of Forex much easier.

EUR/USD Rises as Manufacturing ISM Grows

February 2nd, 2009

EUR/USD advanced today after the weekly opening gap and even rose above the Friday’s close level. Some of the fundamental reports in U.S. were slightly better than the traders have expected, so the currency markets reacted with the growing high-yielders. EUR/USD is currently trading near 1.2838.

Personal income decreased by 0.2% in December after falling by 0.4% in November. Personal spending declined by 1% in December following 0.8% drop in November. The forecasts for the today’s report were at 0.4% and 0.9% drops respectively.

Construction spending fell by 1.4% in December compared to the month of November after decreasing by 1.2% a month before (revised down from 0.6% decline).

Manufacturing ISM index (PMI) rose from 32.9% (revised up from 32.4%) to 35.6% in January. The analysts expected it to decline to 32.0% last month.


Broker Forex Trading Five General Guidelines When Choosing A Forex Broker

It is truly incredible how times change. Eight years ago finding a good and efficient online broker forex trading was as hard as it gets. Today the forex brokerage industry has evolved to fit the needs of the individual forex trader. An increase in demand for online forex trading has generated an incredible competition between brokers. As a result, the private trader has benefited in terms of service and cost of trading. There are five general guidelines you should to know when choosing your forex broker.

Spread This is your cost of trading the forex spot market. It s the difference between the ask price and the bid price. Every currency quote will have these two numbers displayed so trader know at what price they can sell and at what price they can buy. This difference between the bid and the ask price is how forex broker make their money. Forex broker either offer a fixed or a variable spread. Fixed spread is guaranteed to remain the same regardless of market liquidity. Variable spreads change according to market conditions. They are tighter when liquidity is high but become larger when liquidity dries up. It is hard to come up with clear answer of weather to choose a fixed or variable spread broker. But it depends on your style.


Forex - Risk, Losses And Education

Commodity Forex Online Trading

In commodity online trading, you must be kept in mind for few things. If you want to be a good trader you need to know what are you doing and have a very good education. Its very important, that you will take the time to research your commodity trading ideas deeply. Then, you will understand how your forex trading will working for you.

You are going to understand applications and technology which stick to commodity forex online trading. You will need to come up with goals and find out how achieve them by trading on the market. To become successful trader, you must know those basic things for start:

Its important thing. You need to remember, that in commodity forex online trading is risk. Forex is not type of trading where you can involve in if you want to make money in order to buy things you want, rent a house or whatever. You will need to take some risk if you want to earn good cash in forex, but it could not be done with money, that you can't afford to loose. Also, if you will lose your first deposit in market, you may end up with emotional decision, that you will only lose more money if you will keep trading. Thats bad type of thinking.

Losses - how to deal with them
You need to keep your losses to a minimum in commodity online trading. Anyway, you will probably have some small losses. If you want to have your losses as small as it is possible. then you will need to come up with an amount of maximum loss you will take in one day. This will make you sure, that your money is manages good, and that you get out before you will deal with huge losses.

When dealing with commodity online trading, education is most important thing. You have to take time for learning forex to make sure, that you are educated enough before trading. Good education will become you successful. Without proper learning, you could find yourself in bad financial point.


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